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How Emotions Generate $$$ by Colin Shaw

Colin Shaw posted a good article on LinkedIn today about Emotions (and well generating money). Really I’m more interested in the emotional perspective.

From the article:

“Who are you loyal to in your life? Your answer is probably family and friends. There is an emotional bond that has been built up between you. This bond is hard to break. Your family and friends can do things to you that you don’t like, but still you remain loyal. Many organizations talk about their desire to have ‘loyal’ Customers as they know this is the most cost effective way to make more money. However, ironically they seem to miss the fact that loyalty is built on this emotional bond. Very rarely do you hear an organization talking about Customer emotions, instead they talk about price, deliveries, speed etc.”

“Research shows over 50% of a Customer’s experience is about how a Customer feels but which emotions drive or destroy $$$ in a Customer Experience? So why do many organizations not focus on this? The challange is emotions are ‘soft & fluffy’ and difficult to measure the ROI.”