My Tiny Habits

Today I’m starting BJ Fogg’s Tiny Habit course. It’s been on my radar for months now since I saw him at Warm Gun in San Francisco. The format for the TIny Habits:  “After I [existing habit], I will [new behavior].” For example, “After I hear any phone ring, I will exhale and relax.”

I have scheduled 3 Tiny Habits: (dont’ judge!)

  • After lunch I will refill my water bottle.
  • After I come home from work and see my wife, I will give her a hug and tell her I love her.
  • After I shower, I will put on sunscreen.

Four important things to remember…

  1. I can do this Tiny Habit at least once a day
  2. I can do this Tiny Habit in less than 30 seconds
  3. For me, this Tiny Habit takes very little effort (I mostly need to remember to do it)
  4. I plan to do this Tiny Habit AFTER a solid habit (an “anchor”) that always happens in my life.