Box explores the synthesis of real and digital space through projection-mapping onto moving surfaces. The short film documents a live performance, captured entirely in camera.
Great video featuring Ben Chestnut: Creating an Environment for Creativity and Empowerment
1. Start by building a bigger box rather than trying to think outside it! 2. Select your team for who they know as well as what they know 3. Pick one leader and provide him or her the autonomy they need to be successful 4. Build a team that can…
This is a series of timelines depicting every outfit worn by the leading characters of Breaking Bad. Check out the Fast Company article
Great article on “Building a Cohesive Design Team” BY JARED M. SPOOL From the article… “Design is a team sport. Look at any great design, even those designs with a strong designer personality as the hero/spokesperson, and you’ll find a team of people who made that design come to life. (Even…
Just sharing a recent talk for the USAID funded Resilient Africa project on the Design for Delight and The Innovation Catalysts More about the project can be found at Resilient Africa Network
If you are into Facebook (Tracy!) then you should check out Wolfram Alpha’s Facebook report. Super interesting data visualization.
An amazing video that displays the thought and intension behind the groundbreaking new game.
Great news, QuickBooks for iPad Wins – 2013 Innovation Award! “The winners and finalists for the tenth annual Tax & Accounting Technology Innovation Awards are all Cloud-based solutions, highlighting the movement of accounting and tax experts toward mobile technologies. The awards were presented June 3 by CPA Practice Advisor during a…